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Will Sterling presentation on Rundeck at the April CLUE Meeting (Video)

Damon Edwards / 

Rundeck community member Will Sterling (from Datalogix) did a great presentation introducing Rundeck to the Colorado Linux Users and Enthusiasts meeting in Denver.

Alex Honor posted a helpful writeup on

If you are new to Rundeck, watch Will Sterling give an introduction to what Rundeck can do and how he uses it to automate work at DataLogix.

Here are some notable quotes:

  • “Multi-tentant command orchestration and process automation with WebGUI, CLI, and RESTful API.”
  • “Target nodes with rich metadata. Never use hostnames again.”
  • “Process automation via multi-step jobs…Options allow users to pick one or more values.”
  • “Rundeck makes everything in the GUI available through the API.”

Besides showing off the basics, Will opened up Eclipse to step through ruby code that talks to Puppet to communicate node information to Rundeck. His code only includes nodes he can ping and have a certain class.

Will also showed off how he uses resty as nice shell based way to access the Rundeck API.


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