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Archive for the ‘Q&A’ Category

More Video with John Allspaw at Etsy: Dashboard tour & metrics discussion

Damon Edwards / 

Here’s another video I shot with John Allspaw at Etsy’s Brooklyn, NY offices…

00:00 – John gives a tour of the big dashboards

02:42 – Zoom in on key deployment dashboard (yes, that says 24.6 code deploys per day!)

04:52 – John jumps on the whiteboard to explain what goes into their metrics efforts 

See the previous video with John.

Video with John Allspaw at Etsy: What to put on the big dashboards


Damon Edwards / 

I had the pleasure of visting the folks at Etsy recently. Etsy is well known in DevOps circles for their Continuous Deploymet and Metrics efforts.

I’ll be posting more videos soon, but in the meantime here is a quick hit I recorded with John Allspaw while he gave me a tour of their Brooklyn HQ. I had just asked John about how they decide what to put on the big dashboards on the wall.

Here is what he told me…

DevOps Panel at Interop 2011 Las Vegas (Video)

Damon Edwards / 

Interop is often thought of the land of big hardware and big networking. Take a tour around the massive exhibit hall and you’ll witness a sea of marketing dollars from hardware, networking, data center design, and storage vendors.

But as I walked around in on of my DevOps t-shirts (DevOps Days Boston to be precise) I was surprised by the number of conference attendees who made a comment or struck up a conversation with me about DevOps.

DevOps was definitely on a significant number of people’s minds. Further evidence? The DevOps panel was one of the last sessions of the 5 day conference yet a sizable crowd stuck around and peppered the panelists with engaging questions.

Below you’ll find the video from that lively “DevOps and You” panel at Interop Las Vegas on May 12, 2011

John Willis (DTO Solutions)
Shlomo Swidler (Orchestratus)
George Reese (enStratus)

Mike Fratto (Network Computing Magazine

Adam Rosien on how Wealthfront moves fast and agile (Video)


Damon Edwards / 


Adam Rosien from Wealthfront came to the Silicon Valley DevOps Meetup on Tuesday April 5 and gave a great presentation on how they use techniques like Continuous Deployment, Test Driven Development, and their “Immune System” (think automated testing and analysis) to run fast and run agile. Wealthfront’s DevOps lifecycle challenges a lot of conventional assumptions, but the results they achieve in a highly-regulated financial services business (with already over $180M being managed) speak for themselves.

Scroll down for the full video and slides…





Special thanks to the kind folks at for hosting the meetup! 

“Meet the DevOps Experts” panel at Cloud Connect 2011 (video)


Dev2ops / 

I had the pleasure of being the track chair for the DevOps Track at Cloud Connect 2011. It was a short track (3 sessions) but thankfully a great lineup of all-stars accepted my invitation to participate!

Here is the video from the panel featuring all of our DevOps Track speakers. The audio is a bit soft in parts, but I think you’ll find it to be great content. I played the role of moderator and spent most of my time in the audience getting questions from the attendees. 


Andrew Shafer – Cloud Scaling
Teyo Tyree – Puppet Labs
Alex Honor – DTO Solutions / Rundeck Project
James Urquhart – Cisco
Juan Paul Ramirez – Shopzilla
Lloyd Taylor – ngmoco:)


Note: Some of the attendees had video cameras out and may have recorded the other sessions in the track. If I uncover those videos, I’ll post it ASAP.


Video Q&A: Adam Rosien on how Continuous Deployment relies on great testing

Damon Edwards / 

Last night, Adam Rosien of Wealthfront (formerly called KaChing) gave a presentation on Continuous Deployment at the Large Scale Production Engineering Meetup on Yahoo’s campus.

Afterwards, I grabbed Adam for a quick chat about a topic that has been troubling me: 

Newcomers to the Continuous Deployment idea often overlook the importance of fully automated testing and instead focus their attention on the number of deployments these companies are making per day.

In the video below, Adam stresses how important a role testing plays in Continuous Deployment. Testing really is the linchpin on which a successful implementation of the Continuous Deployment methodology relies. 

If you are an active reader of this blog or listen to the DevOps Cafe podcast, you probably know by now that we are big fans of the process, tooling, and culture being cultivated by the folks at Wealthfront. Previous content featuring them can be found here, here, and here.

They are not clients of any of the contributors to this blog. We just think that they are a great example of a scrappy company rethinking IT Operations to maximize business value and agility. Their engineering blog is a must read. 


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