Quick questions…
- Is IT Operations important to you?
- Do you build and/or operate a revenue producing online service?
- Do you want to meet and learn from the best in the business?
- Are you looking for a job? or looking to hire IT rock stars?
If the answer to any of these questions is “yes”… then you need to be in Silicon Valley the week of June 22 – 25, 2010.
First up, we’ve got O’Reilly’s Velocity Conference from June 22 – 24 in Santa Clara, CA.
Velocity is the premier Web Operations and Performance conference (and from what I understand is O’Reilly’s fastest growing conference). If you want to hear from the people who are pushing IT Operations to new heights and powering the biggest successes on the Web, Velocity is the place to be.
This isn’t hyperbole. I’ve been to all of the Velocity Conferences and the hallway conversation alone is worth the price of admission. And that’s before you add in value of the the excellent presentations. It’s one of those conferences that always seems to manage to produce a handful of presentations that are talked about and referenced for the rest of the year (if not longer).
This year, three of the the dev2ops.org contributors (Alex Honor, Lee Thompson, and myself) are speakers. Hopefully we’ll live up to the high standards that those who have come before us have set.
Click on the banner below for more information and use the code vel10fsp for a 20% discount.

The day after Velocity, Friday June 25, is the DevOps Day Conference in Mountain View, CA (about 10 minutes from Santa Clara). DevOps Day is a one day free conference dedicated to discussing all topics around improving the interaction between what is traditionally considered development activity and that which is traditionally considered operations activity. As the name suggests… it’s a day dedicated to an open discussion about all things related to DevOps!
The event is following a unique single-track all panel format (with a few sets of “ignite style” lightening talks sprinkled in for good measure). The panels are designed to be highly interactive with the full audience. As you can see from the panelist list and the registered attendee list, the panels and the audience will be full of rock stars in our field.
Perhaps I’m biased since I’m one of the organizers, but this is shaping up to be a truly great event.
The conference is free, lunch will be provided, and there’s going to be free beer afterwards!
Click on the graphic below for more information and to secure your spot.