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Videos: Michael Coté, Travis Campbell, Erica Brescia, Andrew Shafer at OpsCamp Austin 2010

Damon Edwards / 

Here’s the second round of “3 Questions” style interviews I filmed at OpsCamp Austin 2010. For the first round, go here.

Michael Coté (Redmonk), Travis Campbell (University of Texas / LOPSA), Erica Brescia (BitRock /, and Andrew Shafer (Agile Infrastructure developer and speaker) were asked:

1. What brought you to OpsCamp?
2. What excites you in 2010?
3. Wilcard question!… 


Michael Coté is noted analyst and blogger/podcaster at RedMonk covering primarily enterprise software.
Wildcard question: How can open source projects better interface with analysts?



Travis Campbell is a Senior Systems Administrator at UT Austin and is on the board of directors of LOPSA.
Wildcard question: What does the HPC community think of “cloud computing”? 



Erica Brescia is the CEO of BitRock (sponsors of
Wildcard question: How does BitRock’s unique legacy set it up for success today? 



Andrew Shafer is a blogger, speaker, and developer currently focused on Agile Infrastructure. 
Wildcard question: What advice would you give people looking into the topic of Agile Operations? 



Videos: Luke Kanies, Bill Karpovich, Ernest Mueller at OpsCamp Austin 2010


Damon Edwards / 

Here’s the first round of “3 Questions” style interviews I filmed at OpsCamp Austin 2010

Luke Kanies (Reductive Labs / Puppet), Bill Karpovich (Zenoss), and Ernest Mueller (National Instruments) were asked:

1. What brought you to OpsCamp?
2. What excites you in 2010?
3. Wildcard question!…


Luke Kanies is the CEO of Reductive Labs and the original author of Puppet.
Wildcard question: How did you enable the Puppet Community’s early success?



Bill Karpovich is the CEO & Co-Founder of Zenoss.
Wildcard question: Where is the innovation happening in monitoring?



Ernest Mueller is a Web Systems Architect at National Instruments.
Wildcard question: What advice do you have for open source toolmakers?


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